住房 & 住宅生活







住房办公室 & 住宿教育负责维护学生宿舍,以支持网赌平台网站的教育使命. 我们的目标是通过提供智力和个人发展的生活和学习机会来加强所有学生的学习体验,以补充课堂环境.

住房办公室 & 住宿教育负责维护学生宿舍,以支持网赌平台网站的教育使命. 我们的目标是通过提供智力和个人发展的生活和学习机会来加强所有学生的学习体验,以补充课堂环境.

Members of our staff strive to foster personal responsibilities, 公民参与, and leadership though 节目和活动 consistent with the values of the College’s mission. Finally, the 办公室 of 住宅生活 and 住房 strives to develop students who are:

  • 全球公民
  • Responsible and involved members of the community
  • 有同情心和正直的人
  • 终身学习者

住房办公室 & Residential Education is committed in providing quality living, programs and services that support the academic mission of 网赌平台网站. In order to carry out this mission, we believe in the following principles:

  • 提供安全, 安全, 清洁和价格合理的居住环境,有利于学生的学业和个人发展;
  • 提供服务, 节目和活动, which encourage students to mature intellectually, emotionally and spiritually so as to add value to their community and society at large;
  • 选择和培训专业和准专业人员,致力于发展强调学生发展原则的住宅社区;
  • 提供尊重人类多样性的居住环境,将学生视为个体-每个人都有权利和责任-每个人都有独特的目标和需求.


达拉斯 & 伊丽莎白·波特和安 & Alfred Goldstein宿舍为大约150名学生提供公寓式套房的住宿, 每间都有自己的客厅, 厨房和浴室设施. The 波特和戈尔茨坦宿舍 are located near the Recreation Center on the Pei Campus. The apartment bedrooms in this area are approximately 12′ x 9′ and are either three or four bedrooms. 

书信宿舍: V Residence Hall, W – Peterson, X – Searing, Y Residence Halls, and Z-Dorm (Pritzker Residence Hall)

李明博 & 鲍勃·彼得森宿舍,乌拉R. 希宁宿舍, and the V and Y residence halls are lodge-style structures that feature studio, 两居室和三居室的公寓, each with its own kitchenette and bathroom. The halls feature a dramatic two-story floor plan with central common areas, 木制的天花板, 还有一个无钥匙进入系统. 这些并排的宿舍有时被称为“字母宿舍”,因为它们最初被指定为V, W, X, and Y Dorms before two were officially named. The apartment bedroom sizes are approximately 12′ x 9′.

家2套房 & 凯悦的地方

网赌平台网站(NCF)很高兴地宣布与几家地区酒店合作,为今年秋天的新生和返校学生提供服务. 所有申请赌城平台网站住宿的NCF学生都可以从家里步行回家.


请参阅 学费及收费表 有关最新的房屋收费.

住房 fees are impacted by state policies and may be subject to change, 可能需要支付额外的住宿费.

网赌平台网站根据佛罗里达理事会通过的法规发展过程颁布法规. All of the Regulations are incorporated into the 赌城平台网站规章手册.

为了与学院的法定职责保持一致,作为“……佛罗里达州的住宿文理荣誉学院……”和居住生活使命声明中发现的 6-3002all undergraduate students shall live on campus for the first two years unless they have been granted exceptions or waivers.  要求豁免的学生必须提供支持其请求的文件,并包括以下类别: 

  • (1)有60学时转学到网赌平台网站的学生或(2)获得60学时学分的学生可以申请豁免这一要求
  • Any student who has a degree conferred from an accredited institution of higher education, 包括新书院, 是否不受这项规定的限制 
  • 在即将到来的秋季学期开始上课之前年满24岁的学生
  • 已婚学生
  • Students who are pregnant or who have parenting responsibilities
  • Military veterans with two years of active service
  • Students living within the bounds of either 萨拉索塔 or Manatee County with a parent, 过去6个月在萨拉索塔或海牛县居住的法定监护人或其他家庭成员
  • Medical disability that cannot be reasonably accommodated with on campus housing
  • 其他由学生事务副主任以书面形式确定符合学院或学生的最佳利益,允许学生住在校外的情况.

While the residential focus of New College will be on the first two years of the collegiate experience, 所有的学生, 无论学生类型如何, 欢迎住在赌城平台网站里吗, 并将有一系列的住房选择. 

取消截止日期和退款. 以下的取消期限和退款时间表适用于申请取消合同的学生, or who are approved for Off-Campus 住房. 学生仍将负责每天的房价,直到他们归还房间钥匙的那一天.


  • September 8, 2023 – 100% refund of housing fees
  • September 15, 2023 – 50% refund of housing fees
  • September 22, 2023 – 25% refund of housing fees
  • September 23, 2023 – No refund of housing fees


  • February 9, 2024 – 100% refund of housing fees
  • February 16, 2024 – 50% refund of housing fees
  • February 23, 2024 – 25% refund of housing fees
  • February 24, 2024 – No refund of housing fees

取消的理由. 学生如要求取消住宿合同,必须向学生事务处说明理由. 以条款为准, 最后期限, 以及上面列出的费用, students may request contract cancellation based on the following grounds:

  • 拒绝入学;
  • Academic or administrative withdrawal, including leaves of absence;
  • Academic or administrative suspension or expulsion;
  • 校外研究;
  • 早期毕业;
  • Evidence of marriage; or
  • 其他特殊情况, as determined by the 办公室 of 学生事务 and Campus Legal Counsel.

学术或行政解雇. 由于学术或行政原因而被移出宿舍和/或被学院开除的学生必须遵守“截止日期”中列出的条款, 费用, 及上述退款. 由学生处主任决定, certain adjustments may be applied to account for extraordinary circumstances or unnecessary hardship.

在学期结束前被确定为不满意的学生可能被要求离开宿舍. Students must be in good academic standings with the College to remain a residential student. 因未完成合同而被要求离校的学生将丧失所有退款,并将被收取任何费用/罚款/取消费用.

进行解雇. 根据《网赌平台网站》,由于制裁或临时措施而被移出宿舍和/或被学院开除的学生,应根据《赌城平台网站》支付全部费用. No refunds will be issued for students removed from New College due to academic dishonesty. 

While we view the closure of the campus as unlikely, in the event that the College was required to close its residence halls after the “No refund date”, the College would make every effort to return some portion of housing fees.

Find information about the updated meal plans on the 赌城平台网站餐厅 页面.

学生入住后的每个学期, 住房和居住生活办公室的工作人员核实所有学生都搬进了指定的房间. All room change requests are on hold until these checks are complete, which is typically two to three weeks into each semester. After room vacancies are confirmed, students can complete a request in their housing portal.


  • 不保证换房间.
  • Room rates vary across campus, so please review the housing rates on our website.
  • Immediate moves may not be possible due to the limited nature of vacant spaces on campus.
  • Moves with a group of students may not be possible due to limited options. Most empty bed spaces will be in separate suites, so students are more likely to move if they decide to move independently.
  • All students in the group must submit their own room change request form.
  • If students change their mind, they need to contact housing & 书面形式的居住生活.
  • After students are approved for a room change, they must follow this checklist of correct move-out procedures:
    • Remove all belongings from the room and common spaces
    • 清理空间
    • Make a check-out appointment with 住房 工作人员.
    • Return their key to 住房 office located in HCL 1 during working hours.
    • Failure to follow these directions may result in improper room change, 清洁, 损害, trash removal or lock change fees being assessed.

希望申请换房的学生可以提交一份换房申请表,可以在他们的NCF门户网站下面找到 住房登记.  如果您需要任何帮助,请发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护)

你一定要和你的室友/室友谈谈你将带什么来学校.  You don’t need to duplicate each other’s efforts 🙂



Residential accommodations requests may include but not limited to:

  • 单人房
  • 一楼的访问
  • 进入完整的厨房
  • 校外的空间
  • 帮助动物
  • 进入完整的厨房
  • 食物过敏或敏感 

在ALC注册的学生应该填写一份住房申请,并将ALC的资格信副本上传到他们的住房申请中,或者将资格信发送到 (电子邮件保护).  未在ALC注册的学生, 应该在房屋截止日期前几周联系ALC,让ALC有时间评估申请.   欲知详情,请浏览 无障碍学习中心.

请遵守所有住宿截止日期,否则由于住房选择有限,住房和住宿生活可能无法满足延迟的请求, even if there is a recommendation from the ALC.